Friday, December 29, 2006


"... Why the rush to execute Saddam Hussein... Why on earth would anyone want to set off an ideological bomb during an already chaotic situation?... when Iraq is falling into total chaos and civil war, and as American troops continue to die, why would anyone want to add fuel to that fire, enough fuel to destroy what is left? Suspend your emotions and think strategically..."

"The (strike group) carriers will be in position... there will be an event of some sort in Iraq... blamed on Iran... The sanctions... have given the administration the blank check they needed... to order aerial strikes. The surge troops will be in position, and... ground support will begin around late February, early March..."

Friday, December 22, 2006


"the US Central Command... put in a request for another carrier in Gulf region... this request is the first in four years tied specifically to a deterrent for Syria and Iran... the Bush administration is heading for a major operation against the two key threats to Iraq’s stability: the Sunni insurgents supported by Syria, and the Shiite militias which receive arms, intelligence and funding from Tehran. The application to deploy a third carrier in the Gulf in late March 2007 is a pointer to the projected timeline of this operation..."
--DEBKAfile (Israel), December 22, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


"The end of the world as we know it is rapidly approaching. Just before us is a nuclear countdown with Iran... and then the final battle - the battle of Armageddon."
--John Hagee, pastor of the 18,000-member Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, TX, author of book "Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World", founder of Christians United for Israel.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


"Iran wants a wholesale transformation of its relationship with the United States, which is one of the most antagonistic in the world... Iran wants to be allowed to continue its (nuclear) programme... which it says is completely peaceful as well as its right under the international non-proliferation regime. That means an end to the threat of UN sanctions... and an end to US and Israeli threats of military action to destroy its nuclear facilities.

In the past, Tehran has had its fingers burnt by trying to open a dialogue with this most hawkish of US administrations. In May 2003, for example, it offered to open up its nuclear programme, rein in Hezbollah and co-operate against al-Qaeda, but was... rebuffed... Since then, a right-wing Iranian president has been elected, although overall executive power lies with the religious revolutionary leadership of Ayatollah Khamenei. Iran... wants to be absolved completely from Washington's designation of it as part of the "axis of evil"..."

Thursday, December 14, 2006


"... The flood of military assets (naval strike forces) into and around the Persian Gulf signifies an impending naval embargo or blockade of Iran designed to attempt to weaken and collapse the regime over several months, with a crushing air campaign held at the immediate ready... There is also the distinct possibility that the regimes targeted with the embargo/blockade will strike out at the naval assets and provide the US with the "justification" to unleash a full-blown air campaign..."

Monday, December 04, 2006


"... Iranian leaders have made clear that they believe they are the big winners from America's involvement in Iraq. "The kind of service that the Americans, with all their hatred, have done us — no superpower has ever done anything similar," Mohsen Rezai, secretary-general of the powerful Expediency Council that advises the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamanei, boasted on state television recently.

"America destroyed all our enemies in the region. It destroyed the Taliban. It destroyed Saddam Hussein... The Americans got so stuck in the soil of Iraq and Afghanistan that if they manage to drag themselves back to Washington in one piece, they should thank God. America presents us with an opportunity rather than a threat — not because it intended to, but because it miscalculated. They made many mistakes".

"Iran also watched with pleasure as America, Britain, France and Germany failed to persuade Russia and China to sign up to a package of sanctions against Iran..."

Friday, December 01, 2006


"...Mr President,
Those in power have specific time in office, and do not rule indefinitely, but their names will be recorded in history and will be constantly judged in the immediate and distant futures. The people will scrutinize our presidencies.
Did we manage to bring peace, security and prosperity for the people or insecurity and unemployment? Did we intend to establish justice, or just supported especial interest groups, and by forcing many people to live in poverty and hardship, made a few people rich and powerful – thus trading the approval of the people and the Almighty with theirs’? Did we defend the rights of the underprivileged or ignore them? Did we defend the rights of all people around the world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the specter of intimidation and threats? Did we tell the truth to our nation and others around the world or presented an inverted version of it? Were we on the side of people or the occupiers and oppressors? Did our administration set out to promote rational behaviour, logic, ethics, peace, fulfilling obligations, justice, service to the people, prosperity, progress and respect for human dignity or the force of guns. Intimidation, insecurity, disregard for the people, delaying the progress and excellence of other nations, and trample on people’s rights? And finally, they will judge us on whether we remained true to our oath of office – to serve the people, which is our main task, and the traditions of the prophets – or not?..."