"... The US has been provocatively sending unmanned Predator aircraft into Iran... mapping Iranian radar systems, information the US would need before launching an attack... the US has already targeted missiles at Iranian power plants at Natanz and Arak... Some 4,000 fighters of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), an armed organization that seeks to overthrow the current regime in Tehran, have a base north of Baghdad near the Iranian border. The US has thrown a protective umbrella over the MEK's soldiers and equipment..."
"Vice President Dick Cheney has even suggested that Israel might do the job... The Israeli right has been spoiling for a fight with Syria for some time... One Israeli intelligence official told the Financial Times, "It could be a race who pushes the button first - us or the Americans." What that official meant by "the button" is not clear, but the logical candidate is a nuclear strike."