"... there will be war, and Washington will strike Iranian nuclear installations, probably before the end of 2006... Western analysts think President Mahmud Ahmadinejad a madman... But madness is an occupational hazard of becoming the leader of desperate men fighting against inevitable ruin...
"The tragedy will proceed more or less as follows:... Iran has failed as a society in the face of the modern world. It embodies a fatal combination of modern demographics, that is, a rapidly aging population, without having assimilated modern productivity. The forces that have rallied to the banner of the Islamic Revolution both at home and abroad have no more hope... Away from their jihad, they can look forward only to a relentless pulverization of the traditional society whence they came. Such is the stuff of strategic mysticism. When there is no retreat, nothing to which to return, Destiny beckons from the enemy's lines and the army leaves its trenches and flies forward into the cannons..."