Sunday, November 26, 2006


"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proposed Sunday that he would help the United States calm Iraq if Washington changes what he described as its "bullying" policy toward Iran...
"We are ready to help you. You went to Iraq to topple Saddam and find weapons of mass destruction, but it was clear to us that you came in order to dominate the region and its oil.You have been trapped in a quagmire and locked in your place with nowhere to go. The Iranian nation is ready to help you to get out of the quagmire — on condition that you resume behaving in a just manner and avoid bullying and invading. Then, nations of the region, headed by the Iranian nation, will be ready to show you the path of salvation. It is the time for the leaders of the U.S. and U.K to listen. You have reached a dead end in our region as well as in the world."