"... US... officials suggested that Iranian government involvement in the use by Sunni insurgents or Shi'ite militias of "shaped charges" that can penetrate US armored vehicles was the only logical conclusion that could be drawn from the facts. But when asked point blank, they admitted that they had no evidence.
"... The US command admitted at first that the Sunnis were making the shaped charges themselves... (then) the Bush administration made a decision to start blaming its new problem in Iraq on Tehran... But the US administration had a major credibility problem with that story. It could not explain why Iran would want to assist the Sunnis, enemies of the militant Shi'ite parties in Iraq that are aligned with Iran... (recently) Bush apparently gave orders that the US military should seize any Iranians in the country in an effort to get some kind of evidence to use in support of its propaganda theme... trying to substantiate an anti-Iran line for which the Bush administration has no credible evidence..."