"Dr. Morsadegh, the director of Tehran's only Jewish hospital,… has never thought about leaving the Islamic Republic, for the simple reason that Iran is his home. "I speak English, I pray in Hebrew, but I think in Persian," said Dr. Morsadegh, a surgeon who is also a member of Parliament. "I am Iranian. Iranian-Jewish."… last week the government of President Hassan Rouhani donated $400,000 to the Dr. Sapir Hospital... For more than 50 years it has been a meeting point for Iranian Jews and Muslims and the most prominent Jewish charity in the capital… About 96 percent of patients are Muslim, like most of the hospital's employees… Though the Jewish population of Iran is dwindling — now at about 9,000, according to an official census by the Statistical Center of Iran, though other estimates range to 20,000 — the country has the largest number of Jews in the Middle East after Israel…."