Monday, June 20, 2005


"... the US war with Iran has already begun... American over flights of Iranian soil are taking place... Bush has (initiated)... several covert offensive operations inside Iran... by the Mujahadeen el-Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group... working exclusively for the CIA's Directorate of Operations... to carry out remote bombings in Iran of the sort that the Bush administration condemns on a daily basis inside Iraq...

"... To the north, in neighbouring Azerbaijan, the US military is preparing a base of operations for a massive military presence that will foretell a major land-based campaign designed to capture Tehran... (via) the coastal highway running along the Caspian Sea from Azerbaijan to Tehran. US military planners have already begun war games calling for the deployment of multi-divisional forces into Azerbaijan. Logistical planning is well advanced concerning the basing of US air and ground power in Azerbaijan."

"... history will show that the US-led war with Iran... had already been under way since June 2005, when the CIA began its programme of MEK-executed terror bombings in Iran."

--Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, 1991-1998