Saturday, May 20, 2006


"... Bush administration ordered U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad in March to postpone indefinitely the talks with Iran on Iraq for which Khalilzad had previously gotten White House approval... Condoleezza Rice "froze" the talks on Iraq that the United States and Iran had agreed to in mid-March, telling Khalilzad "it wasn't the right time to meet"... The reversal... has resulted in a widening chasm between the United States and the other major powers on how to reach a diplomatic solution with Iran on the nuclear issue."

"... the decision... (was from) the determination of Vice Pres. Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld to avoid anything that legitimised the Islamic Republic of Iran... The Europeans -- particularly France and Germany -- have long been dismayed at Washington's refusal to enter into diplomatic dialogue with Iran on the nuclear issue... The administration's refusal to meet with Iran is now at the heart of the protracted discussions between the United States and the five other powers on a common position on Iran..."